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The New Generation of Breathwork

The home of Masterfully Crafted Sound and Breathwork Experiences that Facilitate Life-Changing Transformational Experiences

Welcome to reBreathe & Live


What is 9D Breathwork?

9D Breathwork is a deeply immersive approach to harnessing the power of breath for releasing stored trauma, healing, transformation, and profoundly shift the way we relate to the world. It takes traditional breathwork practices to a whole new level by incorporating a multi-dimensional sound designed for deep and rapid somatic release.

The 9 Dimensions of 9D Breathwork

9D Multidimensional Sound Experience

simply means “breathing related to the body” and is specifically focused on the connection between breath (or breathing) and ourbody. One of the core principles underlying Somatic Breathwork is that psychological wounding and emotional scars can get “embedded” or “crystallized” in the body (or soma), and if not properly released will stay there indefinitely. Not only will these emotional wounds and trauma affect us negatively on a subconscious level (i.e. stress & anxiety) they also can inhibit our body’s normal, healthy function and flow of life energy

Somatic Breathwork 

Somatic Breathwork 

are powerful meditation and chakra aligning tools. Each of these frequencies is believed to affect different elements of the spirit and energies and only need to be listened to for a few minutes a day for the de-stressing effect to take place. Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred spiritual music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind, and spirit in perfect harmony.

432 HZ Tuning

has been called ‘The Heartbeat of the Planet’. Music tuned to this frequency vibrates in tune with nature, our biology and DNA, and even our consciousness. 432 Hz is considered to have the potential to synchronize both hemispheres of our brain: the logical and analytical left brain and the creative and intuitive right brain. This creates what scientists call “whole brain synchronization”, maximizing our potential as thinkers, artists, and spiritual beings. It has the power to bring more harmony in your life, to realign you with the Earth.

Binaural Brain Entrainment

when two tones of slightly different frequencies are played in separate ears simultaneously (usually through headphones), the human brain perceives the creation of a new, third tone, whose frequency is equivalent to the difference between the two tones being played. For example, if a person hears a tone of 405 Hz in one ear and a tone of 415 Hz in the other, they would be hearing a binaural beat with a frequency of 10 Hz. The tone being perceived can alter brain waves through a process called entrainment, in which brain waves align themselves to an outside beat or frequency. Binaural beats can lower stress, increase focus, boost mood, assist with pain management, improve sleep, foster creativity and deep relaxation

Isochronic Tones

are single tones that come on and off at regular, evenly spaced intervals. This interval is typically brief, creating a beat that’s like a rhythmic pulse. They’re often embedded in other sounds, such as music or nature sounds. Isochronic tones are used for brain wave entrainment, in which your brain waves are made to sync with the frequency that you’re listening to. Syncing your brain waves to an Alpha frequency, for example, may induce a calm and restful mind.

Binaural Brain Entrainment

are single tones that come on and off at regular, evenly spaced intervals. This interval is typically brief, creating a beat that’s like a rhythmic pulse. They’re often embedded in other sounds, such as music or nature sounds. Isochronic tones are used for brain wave entrainment, in which your brain waves are made to sync with the frequency that you’re listening to. Syncing your brain waves to an Alpha frequency, for example, may induce a calm and restful mind.

Guided Vocal Coaching

World Class Music Composition 


in a conscious and intentional way, 9D Breathwork allows us to: access deep states of relaxation, release emotional blockages and  tap into our inner wisdom. It invites us to explore the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of our existence offering a profound journey of self-exploration and self-realization.

 You need to EXPERIENCE 9D


Activation Session - a great way to start your day or energize you whenever you need a boost. 

Relaxation Session  - quickly helps to calm you down if feeling stressed or help you relax when it's time to sleep.

Put your headphones on, find a comfortable, quiet place & hit PLAY!

Please click the links below to try 2 FREE 9D Breathwork Sessions

Check out the ever-expanding 
Library of 9D Experiences 

Each 9D journey has a specific theme and is meticulously designed to help release stored traumas, rewrite old narratives and clear space for increased clarity & more

empowering life experiences.

9D Breathwork is 'conscious connected breathing' while deeply immersed in 9D sound's like breathwork on steroids and literally the fast track to somatic healing!

It allows you to quickly bypass the rational ('monkey mind) where all the stories live and

activate the body's innate wisdom to release what no longer serves you. 

 Please click below to learn more about this powerfully unique work! 

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