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I'm so happy you're here! 

My name is Jan Fairley

Thank you so much for coming to check me out! I'm excited to share a brief overview of how I came to be a Breathwork Practitioner...perhaps you will find a little nugget of inspiration in my story.






As the mother of four children (all adults now, growing the next generation) cold showers were part of my daily routine as long as I can remember. On the surface, they offered a great way to wake-up, shake up and revive my body & mind. It wasn't until I was introduced to the amazing Iceman, Wim Hof and combined his 'conscious connected breathing' technique with icy plunges that I discovered the true power of the breath. There was something more to it than just those 'good feels'. The balance and calm I experienced from the cold could be replicated through my own breathing...I could almost instantly change my nervous system from sympathetic ("fight or flight") to parasympathetic ("rest & digest"). This powerful yet simple technique literally saved me during the crazy days of lockdown (and continues to be part of my daily ritual). I thought, "EVERYONE needs to know they have access to, more than ever!"


A deep desire to share these profound personal changes I experienced through breathwork lead to the completion of 2 Breathwork Coaching Certifications (InnerCamp and Breath Masters) as well as becoming one of the first licensed 9D Breathwork facilitator in the world. 



By engaging with the breath in a conscious and intentional way, Breathwork allows us to access deep states of relaxation, release emotional blockages and tap into our inner wisdom. It invites us to explore the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of ourselves and offers a profound journey of self-exploration and self-realization.


Healing a wounded humanity requires us to first heal ourselves. Conscious breathing = conscious's time to harness the power that has always been within us and to wake up to the truth of our own divinity.


I am so grateful to be on this journey with you.


Love Jan



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